Furniture paint damage solutions

Update:Mar.22 2022
Furniture paint damage solutions
The lacquer is dull
There are two ways to restore the lacquer gloss of wood furniture:
        One is to add a quarter of a cup of vinegar to a glass of water and wipe it with a soft cloth.
        The second is to wipe with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol or toilet water or tea, and then wipe the floor wax again. If a small piece of paint peels off on the surface of varnished furniture, you can take the same color advertising paint to make up, and then apply varnish to the surface to keep it intact.
paint blistering
        When the bubble is pierced, one case is that there is water coming out, which means that there is moisture infiltrating under or behind the paint layer. When exposed to the sun, the moisture evaporates into steam, and the patent leather will be blistered. The second case is that there is no water in the bubble, it may be that the wood grain is cracked, and there is a small amount of air in it. When the sun is exposed to the sun, the air expands and the patent leather swells.
        Method: For the former case of water, you can use a hot air spray gun to remove the foaming paint, let the wood dry naturally, then apply the primer, and finally repaint the entire repair surface. For the latter case without water, first scrape off the blistered patent skin, then fill the cracks with resin filler, and repaint, or without filler, after scraping off the patent skin, directly apply microporous paint.
peeling paint
        One possibility is that the surface is too smooth. If the original paint is glossy or silty (plus untreated color paste paint), the new paint will not stick to the surface. Or maybe the wood is rotten or the metal has rust spots, or it's peeling due to poor paint quality.
          Method: If the paint peels off in a small area, it can be polished with fine sandpaper first, then put on putty, brushed with primer, and then repainted. Large areas of peeling must be completely scraped off and repainted.
        There are many reasons for stains on painted surfaces. For example: the water in the latex paint dissolves the material on the wall and rusts the paint surface, the wall surface rubbed with steel wool will produce rust spots, and the leakage of hidden pipes in the wall will cause stains.
          Method: In order to prevent stains, you can first apply a layer of primer containing aluminum powder. If there are stains, you can first remove the latex paint on the stains, and then apply the primer again after brushing the primer containing aluminum powder.
Rough paint
        A newly painted surface is rough, usually due to a dirty paintbrush or contamination from the surrounding environment. It is also possible that the paint is mixed with patent leather, which has not been settled and filtered before use, or that the paint is still wet with dust.
    Method: To prevent the above problems, a clean paintbrush and paint bucket must be used. Before using the old paint, be sure to filter it with paint filter paper or clean nylon stockings. In addition, the painted surface should be covered with a cover or cardboard when the paint is still wet to prevent dust. If the paint surface is rough, after it is dry, sand it smooth with wet and dry sandpaper, wipe it off, and then repaint it. Pay special attention to the fact that the paintbrush must be clean.

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