Maintenance and repair of solid wood furniture

Update:May.05 2022
Accidentally got scars on the solid wood furniture you bought at a high price? The beautiful solid wood furniture at the beginning has also added a lot of traces of years after the tempering of time? Today, I'm going to teach you some small tricks, do a beauty treatment for solid wood furniture, and easily get rid of the scars of various solid wood furniture, let's try it! Let your cherished solid wood furniture as first sight.
1. Treatment of water marks
      Water marks usually take a while to disappear. If it's still visible after a month, use a clean, soft cloth lightly coated with salad oil or mayonnaise to rub the water mark in the direction of the wood grain. Or you can cover the marks with a damp cloth, and then carefully press the wet cloth with an electric iron several times, the marks can be faded.
2. Treatment of oil pollution
      Residual tea is an excellent cleanser. After wiping, spray a small amount of corn flour to test it, and finally wipe off the corn flour. Corn flour can absorb all the dirt adsorbed on the furniture surface, making the paint surface smooth and bright.
3. Treatment of scratches
      If the furniture is accidentally scratched, but the wood below the paint film is not touched, a soft cloth can be dipped in a little melted wax and applied to the paint film wound to cover the scar. After the wax has hardened, apply another coat. Repeated coating several times, you can cover up the film scars.
4. Treatment of ink marks
      You can add two parts white vinegar to one part water, use the mixture with a sponge to wipe the ink on wooden furniture, then wash and let dry.
5. Treatment of hot marks
      Use a dry, ultra-fine steel wool pad for  Health Care Series Manufacturers furniture painting to wipe directly along the wood grain at the hot spot; you can also apply salad oil or mayonnaise to the hot spot, take a soft cloth and gently follow the wood grain. Wipe, then wipe with a clean, soft cloth. Final polish. Cigarette butts or unextinguished matches leave scorch marks on the paint surface of the furniture. If the paint surface burns, wrap a fine-grained hard cloth on the matchstick or toothpick, wipe the marks lightly, and then apply a thin layer of wax to remove the scorch marks. to fade.
6. Treatment of white furniture turning yellow
      The white paint on the surface of the furniture will change color over time. You can use a rag dipped in toothpaste to try it. Be careful not to use too much force. You can also stir the two egg yolks evenly and apply a soft brush to the yellowed area. After drying, carefully wipe with a soft cloth Just be clean.
7. Treatment of scorch marks
      Cigarette butts or unextinguished matches leave scorch marks on the paint surface of the furniture. If the paint surface burns, wrap a fine-grained hard cloth on the matchstick or toothpick, wipe the marks lightly, and then apply a thin layer of  Health Care Series Manufacturers wax to remove the scorch marks. to fade.
8. How to repair cracks
      First, use the tip of a small knife along both sides of the crack to split into several smaller cracks, the smaller the better, so that the original large crack will become smaller, and finally the large crack and the small crack are basically the same, almost not so obvious . That is to say, the wood molecules around the large cracks are re-arranged evenly, making them softer and more natural. Isn't this the effect of loosening the soil! In this way, several tiny small cracks will be formed, and the color will be adjusted at this time. Fill all the small cracks with sawdust, and sand it lightly with sandpaper to make it more fully and evenly filled. This repair is more beautiful and natural than the method of directly filling the sawdust powder in the large crack.

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